Official Ivory Jacks Tie Available for $25 in Gift Shop

This lucky guy is wearing the Ivory Jacks official tie. It’s a steal of a deal for $25 in our gift shop. It’s time for bankers to wear ties again. Get your man a tie for his birthday, workday, Christmas, anniversary, or just to let him know you love him.


Man wearing Ivory Jacks tie.
This 100% silk imported custom design tie is one of the rare deals of our time.

Saint Patrick’s Day at Ivory Jacks

Which of the following will be available at IJ’s next Monday, March 14th?

  • corn beef and cabbage 4:00 until 9:30 or until we run out
  • Green beers
  • Genuine Irish Tillimore dew coffees
  • Guinness on tap
  • Lucky Leonard on the Irish piano from 6 to 9 in the evening!
  • free parking for most vehicles in Saint Patty day enthusiasts.
  • prizes too, for the lucky ones
  • ALL of the ABOVE

You better be there. It’s in the contract.

Bag Lady Sue’s Final Tour!

Saturday, November 13th @ 9p
Band starts at 8p
You should have already eaten by 7:30p

Which means you should buy your reserved tickets now! (Available at Ivory Jacks).

Nenana Ice Classic Tickets On Sale thru April 5

Nenana Ice Classic tickets are due in the red bucket on April 5th.

The Ice was 44.5 inches thick on March 1st of this year in case you want to crank that into your guessing algorithm. So get in gear, and get down to Ivory Jacks so you can get a shot at what could be a record year payout.

Black and white striped poles form a tripod anchored in the frozen Nenana. The tripod supports a red pennant blowing southward with the Nenana bridge in the background. Clear blue sky.